Guide to Tooth Extraction and Recovery

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  • Guide to Tooth Extraction and Recovery

This blog will give you an overview of the tooth extraction process and recovery.. You can visit Radiant dentistry if you are considering getting tooth extraction near you.

An extraction is a procedure in which the entire tooth is pulled out of its socket. Permanent teeth can last a lifetime, but some may need to be removed due to decay or damage. Infection – even the possibility of infection of a single tooth might lead to tooth extraction as well. Additionally, you may need to undergo this procedure due to the eruption of wisdom teeth or periodontal disease (gum disease).

If you have any of the following concerns, your dentist near you may advise tooth extraction:

  • Teeth affected due to periodontal disease or tooth decay
  • Broken or damaged teeth that cannot be repaired
  • Gum infection or abscess
  • Malocclusion or overcrowded teeth
  • The failure of wisdom teeth to erupt from the gum (impacted wisdom tooth)

Will My Tooth Extraction Hurt?

While the dentist extracts your teeth, you might experience some minor pressure and sensations. Since a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area, you won’t feel any pain during this treatment and will stay calm throughout the surgery.

However, following your surgery, you can experience minor pain and bleeding after the anesthetic wears off. To help you manage your pain, your dentist may advise you to take some over-the-counter medications or other painkillers.


Although tooth extraction is a safe surgery, sometimes it may transmit harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. In some cases, gum tissues can be also infected and this can increase the risk of developing a serious infection in such situations. It is recommended that you consult with your dentist and take antibiotics both before and after getting your tooth extracted.

It’s important to discuss your complete medical history with your dentist. Ensure you discuss the medications and other supplements you use before your extraction.

Here are some recommendations for aftercare to prevent any complications following your extraction:

  • Keep your extraction site clean
  • Take dentist-recommended medications
  • At least for two days, avoid any strenuous activity.
  • Apply cold compress
  • Take complete rest for 24 hours after your extraction
  • Avoid hard and crunchy foods


Normally, it takes a few days for a tooth extraction to recover completely. Consult your dentist and ask for advice on medications or other treatment options if you continue to endure excruciating pain following your procedure. In order to reduce bleeding and promote the formation of a clot inside the tooth socket, it is beneficial to gently bite on a gauze pad. Cold compresses can be used to reduce swelling and ease pain. After surgery, do not rinse or spit for six hours. For a few days, refrain from smoking and eat soft meals like yogurt, jelly, pudding, and soup.

Contact your dentist right away if you notice any changes in your oral health or the development of an infection because such conditions can lead to serious dental problems and necessitate complicated procedures for treatment.


  • The following are risks associated with tooth extraction:
  • Blood clot in the socket
  • Swelling and bleeding
  • Severe fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest
  • Redness at the surgical site

Additionally, let your dentist know if you have any of the following conditions since you may be at higher risk, which could complicate treatment and have an impact on your oral health:

  • Heart defect
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Renal disease
  • Hypertension
  • Artificial joint
  • Impaired immune system
  • bacterial endocarditis

Before performing the tooth extraction, your dentist might want to make sure all conditions are under control or cured.

Contact us to make an appointment if you require an emergency tooth extraction near you.