How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

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Endodontists, who specialize in saving teeth by treating the pulp that resides inside, perform root canal therapy. Broken teeth or teeth that have been injured in an accident are all considered treatable conditions for this procedure. Visit a Dentist near you if you experience severe pain and discomfort in your teeth and get your oral health examined immediately.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

This treatment involves cleaning the canals inside the tooth’s root. The infected or inflamed material is removed to avoid further damage to your teeth.

Endodontic procedures like root canal therapy can help you keep your teeth and prevent the need for tooth extractions. Root canal therapy is required when the pulp, or inner, soft section of the tooth, becomes damaged due to decay or trauma.

The following are some signs that indicate the pulp is damaged and infected:

  • Severe tooth pain when biting and putting pressure
  • Darkening of teeth
  • Swollen gums
  • Recurring bump on the gums
  • Persistent sensitivity to cold or heat

When a tooth is developing, the pulp, which is made up of nerves and blood vessels, aids in its growth. The tooth can continue to function without the pulp once it has reached adulthood because the tissues around it continue to provide nutrition.

To prevent an infection from developing, the inside of your teeth is cleaned and sealed after the damaged pulp is removed with aid of root canal treatment.

How to Know if You Need Root Canal Therapy?

You may need a root canal if you experience any of the following symptoms:

1) Persistent pain

During eating or speaking, tooth pain can be quite unpleasant. You can feel pain in your face, jaw, or neighboring teeth. If you have a toothache, it is always a good idea to contact your dentist and discuss your concerns with them, especially if they are persistent.

2) Sensitivity

A root canal treatment near you may be recommended by your dentist if you have excessive sensitivity to hot and cold foods. You may get a subtle distress or a searing pain in your teeth due to sensitivity. Sensitivity is caused when the blood vessels and nerves are damaged or infected.

3) Discolored teeth

Your tooth may turn discolored due to an infection in the pulp. Teeth can become grayish-black due to root damage caused by trauma or internal tissue disintegration.

4) Swollen gums

Indicators of a root canal problem include swollen gums close to the aching tooth. The swollen area could fluctuate. When touched, it could feel painful or it might not hurt at all. Acidic waste materials from decomposing pulp tissues contribute to gum swelling, which extends beyond the area around the root tip.

5) Chipped or cracked tooth

Bacteria can grow in the damaged tooth caused by an accident, a contact sport, or chewing on something hard, which can result in swelling and infection. The nerves of the tooth may still be damaged even if you are injured but it doesn’t chip or crack. Inflamed nerves can produce pain and sensitivity and may necessitate root canal therapy.

Contact our Dentist in New Port Richey if you have any of the above conditions. It is important to seek professional help to address such dental concerns to avoid major complications.

How Long Does a Root Canal Procedure Take?

The complexity of your oral health condition determines how long a root canal will take. For instance, treating a tooth with one root (such as an incisor) typically takes less time than treating a tooth with several roots (like a molar). Certain teeth require more complex canal work, which extends the treatment process and makes them take longer to treat. A root canal procedure might only take 30 minutes if the canals are simple to locate. The entire tooth may require more time to treat if the canals are challenging to identify. A root canal procedure can be finished in two to three dental visits and usually takes 60 minutes to complete.

Visit Radiant Dentistry if you want to learn more about the treatment process or contact us and schedule your appointment with our expert today.